Long-lasting facelift results Having facelift surgery can be a tremendously satisfying experience. Dr. Ary Krau’s patients often tell him that they look and feel better than they have in years following their facelift procedure. Not only do they look more youthful, but their self-confidence soars.

Dr. Krau is often asked how to make these wonderful facelift results last. The truth is, the most important factor for long-lasting facelift results is the surgeon’s technique (and Dr. Krau is one of the most talented Miami plastic surgeons in the area). However, the patient’s behavior is also closely linked to the longevity of the facelift. With the proper care and maintenance, facelift results can last up to 10 years.

Here are a few of Dr. Krau’s best tips for prolonging the results of facelift surgery.

Protect Your Face from the Sun

One of the biggest threats to the health and beauty of your skin — before and after facelift surgery — is excessive sun exposure. Being in Florida, it’s nearly impossible to avoid the sun altogether. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be aware and practice safe sun habits.

Cover your face and neck with sunscreen if you plan to go outdoors. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and wraparound sunglasses. Stay in the shade during the sun’s peak hours (typically 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.).

Don’t Smoke

Smoking also speeds up the aging process. It can shorten the lifespan of your facelift results (not to mention, affect your health). Quit smoking cold-turkey; or, if you’re having problems quitting, talk to your primary care doctor about smoking cessation aids. Also, on a related note, try to limit alcohol intake.

Look Into Cosmetic Injectables

Treatment with cosmetic injectables is quick, convenient and a part of many facelift patients’ maintenance routines. Botox and dermal fillers can help smooth lines and wrinkles that crop up around the eyes, nose and mouth. Fillers also restore volume to areas of the face that lose their youthful contours over time.

Eat Right and Exercise Regularly

Nourishing your body with the right diet and exercise is important for the health of your skin and your facelift results. Make sure you’re eating a well-rounded, nutritious diet, hydrating well and exercising regularly. Your skin will thank you!

Be Thoughtful about Skin Care

Speaking of nourishment, the right skin care products can help, too. Using medical-grade skin care products enhances the longevity of facelift results. Retinoid products are effective in this regard and are a powerful cleansing and moisturizing combination. Everyone’s skin is unique, so it is important to select the products that work for your specific skin type. Talk to Dr. Krau about your best options.

Turn Back the Clock

If you are considering facelift surgery, Dr. Krau is happy to provide additional information to help you make your decision. Or, if you have already had facelift, he can offer additional maintenance tips. Schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Krau today by calling (305) 861-6881.

Posted in: Facelift