Facelift in MiamiFacelift is a remarkable way to restore some of what has been lost to time. Modern techniques gently rejuvenate the facial features and tighten loose skin without leaving the face looking tight, “pulled” or artificial. Thanks to facelift, you can recapture confidence and poise that will serve you well in other areas of your life.

But how can you tell whether you are ready for this transformative procedure? Read on as Dr. Ary Krau reveals signs that suggest you are ready for facelift.

You are bothered by noticeable signs of aging.

The first indication that you are ready for facelift is that you are unhappy about moderate to severe signs of facial aging in your mid- and lower face, such as the following:

• Deep wrinkles or creases around your nose and mouth

• Loss of volume in your mid-face

• Looseness or sagging in your cheeks and chin

• Jowls

• Loose skin on your neck

Facelift lifts and tightens the skin as well as the underlying tissues and muscles to counteract these signs of aging and restore a refreshed visage.

When considering facelift, it is important to understand the signs of aging the procedure does not correct — namely, wrinkles around the eyes, a sagging brow and problems with the skin’s tone and texture. If those are your primary concerns, talk with Dr. Krau about other treatment options.

You are tired of temporary results.

Another sign you may be ready for facelift is that you are not satisfied with the temporary results provided by non-surgical treatments like Botox and filler injections. Maybe you are tired of the regular maintenance appointments, or you have very loose skin that cannot be addressed with injectables. Facelift is a one-time procedure and the results last for years with no upkeep needed.

You are aware of the possible risks of surgery.

As an educated and informed candidate, you must understand the potential risks and complications of facelift surgery. Selecting a qualified, experienced surgeon such as Dr. Krau and following his pre- and post-operative instructions greatly reduces these risks; however, it is still critical that you accept the chance that something could go wrong.

Contact Our Miami Facelift Surgeon Today

Dr. Krau is here to help you decide whether you are ready for facelift. He can discuss the procedure in detail with you and help determine whether it is the right fit for your personal needs. To request a facelift consultation with Dr. Krau, please call or email us today.

Posted in: Facelift