Facelift in MiamiPatients considering facelift surgery usually have many questions about the recovery process. In his many years of practice, Dr. Ary Krau has noticed the same queries typically come up in consultation. Here, he answers the most common questions about the facelift recovery process.

Will I be bruised or swollen after facelift?

Yes, bruising and swelling are expected after facelift. The aftereffects may peak a day or two after surgery before they start to gradually subside. Numbness, tightness and tingling are also common sensations in the days following surgery.

How can I minimize bruising and swelling?

If you are sent home from surgery in a compression garment, make sure to wear it as much as possible, as it will help minimize swelling. It is also important to keep your head elevated at all times, including while you sleep. Another technique that can help alleviate swelling is to apply cold compresses to your face.

Will I be in pain after surgery?

You may have mild discomfort in the days immediately following surgery. You can take prescription or over-the-counter pain medication for the discomfort.

How much time will I need to take off work after facelift?

Most facelift patients take 10 to 14 days off from work to recuperate after surgery. If your job is physically demanding, you may need to take additional time off from work before you return.

When can I resume socializing?

Usually facelift patients are able to apply makeup to cover up residual swelling around the two- or three-week mark. At this point, you may feel comfortable resuming your social activities.

Can I sunbathe after surgery?

No, it is best to keep sun exposure to a minimum for several months after facelift. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can make your scarring more noticeable.

When can I swim after surgery?

You can resuming swimming approximately four to six weeks after surgery.

How should I care for my healing incisions?

It is crucial you keep your incisions clean and dry following surgery. Our team will provide complete post-operative incision care instructions, and we will be available to answer questions at any point throughout your recovery.

When will I follow up with Dr. Krau?

You will have several follow-up appointments throughout your recovery. During these appointments, we will check your healing incisions, remove or change your surgical dressings. and address any concerns you have.

If you have additional questions about facelift recovery that were not answered in this post, Dr. Krau encourages you to reach out to us. Contact us today!

Posted in: Facelift