Tummy Tuck Recovery Time

Recovery time after a tummy tuck will vary depending on your age, overall health and post-surgical care. Generally, you can expect to be off work for one to two weeks after your abdominoplasty with Dr. Ary Krau in Miami. The type of tummy tuck you have will also affect the healing process, as someone with a mini tummy tuck will recover faster than someone who has an extended tummy tuck that addresses the flank (love handles) and lower back.

A tummy tuck eliminates the loose skin tissue in the abdominal area left over from pregnancy or significant weight loss. The procedure addresses separate or weakened abdominal muscles and removes fat deposits for a flatter, more toned physique. This invasive plastic surgery requires meticulous care during the healing process to maximize your results.

The First Two Weeks After a Tummy Tuck

Dr. Krau performs tummy tuck as an outpatient procedure at our accredited surgical facility. He will give you detailed instructions to follow throughout your tummy tuck recovery. You will need someone to drive you home and help you around the house for several days. You won't be able to shower or move around too much the first 24-48 hours and must avoid lifting and carrying heavy objects or small children until you're cleared to do so at a follow-up appointment.

The first couple days after a tummy tuck are the toughest, but your discomfort and the soreness, swelling and bruising in the area can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription medications. Rest as much as possible and begin taking short walks one or two days after your tummy tuck to promote good circulation. Light activities can resume after 10-20 days, but avoid rigorous exercises for at least six weeks.

A drain may be placed in the incision site to remove excess fluid that develops while your body heals; it is typically removed within a week of your tummy tuck. You will also have a compression garment to wear for up to eight weeks to minimize swelling, support the healing process and help your body adjust to a slimmer, tauter contour. Daily maintenance is required for your incisions, drainage tubes and compression garment.

Stay hydrated during your recovery and eat a nutritious, low-sodium diet to help the swelling dissipate. The swelling and bruising in the abdomen should decrease after two weeks along with any numbness or pulling sensations. Take your oral and topical medications as prescribed, and contact Dr. Krau about any concerns you have during recovery. A fever or nausea, unusual pain or redness around sutures are reasons to call our Miami office.

Final Tummy Tuck Results

Most patients are fully healed within three to six months of their tummy tuck. You can enjoy your permanent results at this time and resume all regular activities. Exercise and a well-balanced diet are essential steps in maintaining your new body shape.

Contact our board-certified plastic surgeon in Miami today if you are interested in a tummy tuck or another plastic surgery. Dr. Krau is a nationally recognized plastic surgeon who takes pride in providing excellent patient safety and satisfaction.

Posted in: Tummy Tuck