Tummy Tuck in MiamiIf you are considering tummy tuck to flatten the area above and/or below your belly button, you are not alone. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, over 123,000 tummy tuck procedures were performed in 2019, making it one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures in the country.

Only you can determine whether tummy tuck is right for your personal needs and goals. Dr. Ary Krau, our talented Miami tummy tuck surgeon, encourages you to research the criteria of a tummy tuck candidate and ask yourself whether you meet those qualifications. If so, then tummy tuck may be a suitable option for your case.

You have weakened abdominal muscles and redundant skin around your stomach.

Tummy tuck is designed to smooth the abdomen and sculpt the waistline. If you are bothered by excess skin and fat on your stomach after pregnancy or significant weight loss, tummy tuck is likely a great solution to your needs. Tummy tuck also repairs abdominal muscles that have stretched during pregnancy or weight fluctuation.

You are in good health.

You should be in good physical health with no major medical issues (i.e., heart or respiratory problems) that can raise the risk of complications during or after surgery.

You are at a stable weight.

Tummy tuck is a fantastic way to contour the stomach by removing unwanted fat; however, it is not a viable method to lose weight. Ideally you should be at, or close to, your goal weight before undergoing tummy tuck. This helps your surgeon plan the treatment very precisely so you can get the maximum benefit of surgery.

If you are planning to lose a significant amount of weight, you should delay tummy tuck until your weight stabilizes and you have maintained it for approximately six months.

You are not breastfeeding.

It is important that you are not breastfeeding at the time of your surgery, because of the risk of transferring whatever is in your body (e.g., in the case of surgery, anesthetic medication) to your nursing child. Another factor to consider is that during your tummy tuck recovery, you will not be permitted to lift anything heavy, including your children.

Most surgeons agree that tummy tuck should be postponed six months after weaning a nursing baby.

You understand what the procedure can accomplish.

Having an accurate idea of what tummy tuck can accomplish will affect how satisfied you are with your ultimate result. Dr. Krau will play a big role in setting your expectations of tummy tuck. He can explain what tummy tuck can treat (e.g., excess skin and fat) and what it will not affect (e.g., cellulite, some stretch marks).

To request a tummy tuck consultation with Dr. Krau, please contact our office today.

Posted in: Tummy Tuck