Plastic Surgery Inspired by New Year Resolutions Are you one of the millions of Americans that make New Year’s resolutions every year but struggle to keep them? Perhaps a plastic surgery procedure with Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Ary Krau can help. Each year, Dr. Krau meets with countless men and women seeking cosmetic enhancement to achieve one or several of their New Year’s resolutions. Here, the surgeon shares the top requests he hears from patients.

Stick to Your Weight Loss Goals with Body Contouring

Unsurprisingly, resolutions focusing on fitness and weight loss are among the most common. But even the strictest diet and exercise regimens are sometimes not enough to achieve the desired results as stubborn fatty deposits and excess skin may linger. Body contouring procedures are designed to address problem areas that are resistant to weight loss efforts. Among the most frequently requested procedures are liposuction, which removes surplus fat on various body areas, and tummy tuck, a procedure that removes loose, excess skin on the abdomen and tightens the underlying tissues for a flatter and firmer abdomen. While body contouring does not replace exercise and a healthy diet, it can make it easier for patients to exercise and stay motivated to stick to their fitness/weight loss goals.

Feel More Confident with Breast Augmentation or Male Breast Reduction

Breast augmentation and male breast reduction surgery are two popular cosmetic treatments for individuals who want to feel more confident in their skin. Breast augmentation involves placing silicone or saline implants to create a fuller and sexier bust. With bigger and more beautiful breasts, women feel less self-conscious about the way they look, their wardrobe options expand and their quality of life improves.

Male breast reduction addresses gynecomastia, a common medical condition that many people refer to as “man boobs.” Men with gynecomastia often report feeling self-conscious about taking their shirts off in public and wearing form-fitting clothing. Some men experience painful chafing or other physical discomfort when exercising or playing sports, due to folds of skin rubbing together. Male breast reduction alleviates both physical and emotional discomfort by trimming excess skin and breast tissue to create a flatter and firmer chest. With a more classically masculine chest contour, men are less self-conscious and anxious about taking their shirts off in public, wearing tight clothing and even pursuing romantic relationships.

Look and Feel Younger with Cosmetic Injectables

Perhaps premature wrinkles and lines are what are preventing you from feeling confident and pursuing new and exciting opportunities. Injectable treatments like Botox, Restylane and Juvederm are excellent ways to address signs of facial aging without surgery or extensive downtime. Following treatment, patients not only look younger, they also feel younger. They experience the boost in self-confidence needed to pursue personal, dating and even career opportunities.

Get started on a more beautiful and confident you by scheduling a consultation with Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Krau. Please call (305) 861-6881 or email our office today.

Posted in: Body Contouring, Plastic Surgery