Pregnancy changes a woman’s body considerably. The changes go beyond weight gain. Many women notice that their stomach is looser after giving birth and that their breasts change shape. Even after losing the baby weight, some new moms notice that they have stubborn areas of fat that won’t go away. Enter the Mommy Makeover, a combination of several cosmetic surgery procedures designed to help you get your pre-baby body back.

Who is the Mommy Makeover for?

After childbirth, several areas on a woman's body change. The changes can be dramatic or minimal, depending on the woman and the number of children she's had. Some women find that they can get their old body back through diet and exercise alone. Other women might have sagging breasts, excess skin in the tummy area or fat around their hips, even after they've returned to their pre-pregnancy weight.

If getting her pre-baby body back is important to a woman, and it is increasingly important to many moms, a series of procedures can help. Dr. Krau can perform a breast augmentation or breast lift and tummy tuck along with liposuction at the same time to help restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy body.

Tummy Tuck

During pregnancy, the muscles and skin of the abdomen are stretched and weakened. It's not fat that makes a mom's tummy look rounder or flabbier, it’s the relaxed muscles and excess skin that remain, even after the weight is lost. A tummy tuck trims away extra skin and tightens the stretched out abdominal muscles, the re-contours the stubborn fat bulges. The result is a flatter stomach.

Breast Lift and Augmentation

After birth and breastfeeding, a woman's breasts can be considerably less perky than they once were. While during pregnancy a lot of women have larger breasts, they can become considerably smaller after breastfeeding. As part of the Mommy Makeover, many women choose to undergo a breast lift, breast augmentation, or both. The procedure that Dr. Krau uses to lift the breasts usually leaves a less incision than traditional methods. His procedure not only has less scarring, the results also last longer.


Although many women want their pre-baby body back, a Mommy Makeover isn't a procedure to rush into. After a tummy tuck, a patient typically needs skilled care for several days. Some patients need up to 20 days before they can go back to their daily activities. For some women, the results of a Mommy Makeover are worth the long recovery time and the cost of the procedures.

Do you still have questions? Visit our contact us page and we will do everything that we can to help you.

Posted in: Mommy Makeover