Improved Breathing with RhinoplastyEveryone knows that rhinoplasty, or “nose job” surgery, is designed to improve the cosmetic appearance of the nose. But can rhinoplasty also help someone breathe better? In this post, plastic surgeon Dr. Ary Krau discusses the positive impact rhinoplasty can have on breathing function in addition to its cosmetic benefits. Read on to learn more. 

Rhinoplasty – For Form or Function?

When most people think about rhinoplasty, they assume that the surgery is being performed solely to improve the form of the nose. What many don't think about is the positive benefits that a successful rhinoplasty can have on the breathing function of the nose as well. A good surgeon will always make sure that their patients receive both a pleasing cosmetic appearance and good breathing function simultaneously.

Some patients Dr. Krau has encountered were mostly happy with their appearance, but more concerned about compromised nasal breathing function. Rhinoplasty can help these folks as well. In some rhinoplasty cases, Dr. Krau makes subtle changes to nasal shape or size and focuses on correcting structural problems (e.g., enlarged turbinates or a deviated septum) to address whatever is blocking the passage of air.

Dr. Krau has found that most patients can benefit from rhinoplasty in both form and function. In many cases, the imperfections of the nose — crookedness, bumps and dips — also affect breathing.

Because it is one of the more complicated plastic surgeries, rhinoplasty candidates are encouraged to choose an experienced and skilled surgeon, such as Dr. Krau, who understands the complexities of the procedure.

Breathing Problems and Rhinoplasty

The most common non-aesthetic problem experienced by Dr. Krau’s rhinoplasty patients is that of airway obstruction. Symptoms of airway obstruction may include: chronic congestion, sinus infections, snoring, nosebleeds, poor sense of smell, headaches and sleep apnea. This condition is usually caused by a problem with the internal nasal passages. Often the passages are bent, twisted or damaged in some way so that the wall dividing the passages blocks the free flow of air in and out of the nose. This is commonly known as a deviated septum. The good news is that this is easily treatable and may be fixed by a simple procedure performed either independently or as part of a larger cosmetic rhinoplasty.

Contact Dr. Ary Krau

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, or have any type of difficulty breathing through the nose, rhinoplasty may be the right treatment option for you. Because each patient has a unique nasal structure, an individual consultation is necessary to determine the proper path of treatment. Please contact our office at (305) 861-6881 to set up a specialized consultation.

Posted in: Rhinoplasty