Whether you decide to have a facelift, nose job or breast augmentation, plastic surgery is an invasive procedure that takes time to recover and heal from. You’ll get results when you undergo cosmetic surgery, but you need to realize that it takes time for the results to appear. Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Ary Krau has some tips to help you recover from your surgery comfortably.

Have Help

Getting help is essential for a comfortable and safe recovery. You shouldn't lift anything or strain your body in anyway for a few days following your procedure, which means it will be difficult to keep your house clean or prepare your own meals. You can enlist the help of your partner or another family member, or hire a housecleaner or personal care assistant during this time.

Reduce Swelling

Swelling is common after procedures such as facelifts or rhinoplasty. One of the best ways to minimize swelling is to keep your head upright or elevated. Sleep on your back on top of several pillows to prop up your face. Doing so will encourage draining from the area. Placing a cold compress or ice pack on the area will also help bring swelling down.

Take Medication as Prescribed

Pain is to be expected as you recover from a procedure. To reduce the risk of bleeding after your surgery, it's important to only take medication as directed by your plastic surgeon. Pain relievers such as ibuprofen or aspirin are not recommended right after surgery, as they make bleeding more likely.

Return for Follow-Up

No matter how great you feel after your procedure, it's essential that you return to your surgeon for any follow-up appointments. Your follow-up visits allow your surgeon to inspect the area and make sure everything is as it should be. You might need to go back to have the doctor remove any stitches or to discuss any concerns that you have about your recovery.

Take Care of Yourself

The better care of yourself you take, the more pleasant your recovery will be. If you smoked before surgery, don't take up smoking again right afterwards, as it will slow your healing. Remember to drink plenty of water each day and eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Practice good hygiene as well, including washing the surgical area as directed to reduce the risk of infection.

Posted in: Experienced Plastic Surgery, Recovery