Chin Augmentation in Miami

A weak chin or jawline lacking definition may make you self-conscious of your facial profile. Also called a receding chin, an undefined jawline may have a round or soft angle or curve back toward your neck. Your softened chin may happen with age or due to genetics. There are various ways to strengthen your jawline for a more pronounced chin and rigid contour.

Dr. Ary Krau is a board-certified plastic surgeon known for his meticulous attention to detail. He can help you achieve a firmer lower face appearance with these procedures and more.

Chin Implants

Chin implants can deliver more definition and improve the size of your chin and jawline for more masculine features. A weak or undersized chin can give your face an unbalanced appearance but creating a more prominent chin through chin augmentation can deliver that chiseled look. Chin augmentation is an outpatient procedure that uses implants or moves a piece of your chin bone forward to create a balanced jawline with more projection and vitality.

This procedure can be combined with neck liposuction or neck lift for more facial definition.

Neck Lift

Neck lift removes excess sagging skin from the chin, along the jawline and neck, creating a sharp contour of the submental area and neck. Dr. Krau tightens the neck muscles and may remove a section of the muscle for smoother skin. The remaining tissues are lifted, and the procedure is performed endoscopically with tiny incisions. Neck lift results offer improved jawline definition, treat a "double chin" and address signs of aging in the neck.


Facelift focuses on the lower two-thirds of your face, including the jawline. Perhaps you had a chiseled appearance in your youth, and your previously strong chin has diminished due to the natural aging process. Facelift can improve jowling and chin definition.

Dr. Krau takes a unique surgical approach to facelift, focusing on elevating the skin tissues and re-suspending the deeper tissues in a raised position. He will reposition fat pockets in the cheek that tend to descend as you get older to restore a youthful contour and fill in a sunken mid-face appearance. The skin is re-draped with slight tension for a natural, youthful look that gives you a virile facial profile. Facelift is often combined with chin augmentation and neck lift for complete jawline restoration and improvement.

Schedule Your Plastic Surgery Consultation in Miami

There are many ways to strengthen your jawline. Contact Dr. Krau in Miami to discuss your plastic surgery options for improving chin and jaw definition. Schedule your consultation by calling (305) 861-6881 or filling out our online contact form.

Posted in: Chin Implants, Neck lift