Brazilian Butt Lift MythsIn the past few years, the number of Brazilian butt lift procedures has grown tremendously. Just in 2017 alone, the procedure saw a 10 percent increase from the previous year.

If you are considering enhancing the shape and volume of your buttocks with Brazilian butt lift, it is important for you to be able to differentiate between what’s fact and what’s fiction. Here, Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Ary Krau debunks the top myths about Brazilian butt lift.

Myth #1: Brazilian Butt Lift Uses Implants

Don’t mistake Brazilian butt lift for traditional butt augmentation, which places silicone implants in the buttocks. Brazilian butt lift is performed using only unwanted fat from the patient. Because it uses natural fat and tissue, Brazilian butt lift creates the most natural-looking/feeling results.

Myth #2: Brazilian Butt Lift Only Makes Your Butt Bigger

Brazilian butt lifts do more than simply add volume to the buttocks. An experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Krau carefully injects fat into strategic points of the buttocks to create the patient’s desired appearance, whether it be a buttocks that is fuller, rounder, firmer, lifted or all of the above! He will work closely with you to design a treatment plan that achieves the most desirable outcome.

Myth #3: Brazilian Butt Lift Only Affects the Appearance of Your Buttocks

One of the reasons why Brazilian butt lift is so popular is how it impacts the patient’s overall appearance. Because it removes unwanted fatty deposits from other body areas (e.g., abdomen, back, arms, thighs), the procedure has the ability to create a more attractive physique. With Brazilian butt lift, you can slim your thighs or create a more slender midsection while getting a shapelier and more attractive backside.

Myth #4: Any Plastic Surgeon Can Perform Brazilian Butt

For the best results, it is imperative that you work with a board certified plastic surgeon that has years of experience performing Brazilian butt lift. The right plastic surgeon will combine science and art to perform the procedure safely and produce beautiful and natural-looking results.

To learn more about Brazilian butt lift, schedule a personal consultation with Dr Ary Krau. Contact his Miami plastic surgery office by calling or emailing us today.


Posted in: Brazillian Butt Lift