Over time, the body’s supply of collagen and elastin — two proteins necessary for elastic skin — starts to dwindle. The lack of collagen and elastin cause the skin on the entire body, including the arms, to loosen and sag. The forces of gravity also pull the skin on the arms downward. Fluctuations in weight (especially rapidly gaining and losing weight) compound the sagging and drooping of the arm skin and tissues.

Because of these elements, the skin on the upper arms can hang and droop unattractively. Some casually refer to this problem as “bat wings.” Targeted exercises for the biceps or triceps won’t improve the appearance, because exercise cannot tighten loose skin. Some people feel self-conscious of the appearance of their arms in short sleeves, and try to cover up their arms in long-sleeved shirts and jackets. Dr. Ary Krau, a board-certified plastic surgeon in South Florida, has a better solution.

Understanding the Treatment Options

There is no reason to wear long-sleeved tops year-round to conceal bat wings. Several options are available to improve the appearance of saggy, flabby arms.

One of the most popular options is a procedure called brachioplasty, or arm lift, which is designed to eliminate lax, droopy skin and tighten loose tissues. The result is leaner, more elegant looking arms. Brachioplasty is typically recommended to individuals that have had significant weight fluctuations — especially those that have had weight loss surgery and lost substantial weight in a short amount of time.

During the arm lift procedure, an incision is made from the elbow to the armpit. Loose skin is eliminated and the tissues are tightened and lifted to create a more attractive contour. Liposuction is also used to remove targeted fat deposits on the upper arms.

In some cases, liposuction alone can produce satisfactory results. For example, if the patient is primarily worried about pockets of fat and does not have significant laxity in the arm skin, liposuction is a suitable option.

Contact Dr. Ary Krau

The person best qualified to determine the appropriate procedure is a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Krau. He encourages men and women that are bothered by the appearance of their arms to meet with him and discuss their concerns in person. He can examine the arms and recommend the best treatment option.

Please call (305) 861-6881 today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Krau.

Posted in: Body Contouring