shutterstock_178522970Our eyes say a lot—they amplify a smile and enable us to better connect with people around us. Aging, gravity, sun damage, wrinkles or birth defects can change the way our eyes look and affect our appearance. If you have any of these signs, people might comment that you look tired or sad, or you may have dark circle or bags under your eyes. In some cases, sagging eyelids may even impair your vision.

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can correct sagging eyelids or skin around the eyes. During this outpatient procedure, your surgeon will make incisions around the natural creases on the upper lids and below the lower lash line. Fat and excess tissues are removed.

Fix Sagging Eyelids

If eyelid function is impaired, a different procedure called a ptosis revision can be used to restore the eyelid. Similarly, placement of the brow can affect the appearance of the eye. Sometimes this can be easily corrected by elevating or moving the brow without making incisions on the eyelid.

An eyelift procedure is appropriate for candidates who have excessive or sagging upper or lower eyelids. This surgery can remove excess skin or fat around the eyes and restore a youthful, rested look to your eyes, face and overall appearance. It can also soften wrinkle lines around the eyes.

An eyelift procedure can also be performed in conjunction with other procedures, such as a face lift, forehead lift, chemical peel, or laser skin resurfacing, to revitalize and rejuvenate the look and contour of the face.

Posted in: Eyelid Surgery